Friday, October 22, 2010

My Favorite Local News

Lightning around by Silly Luis

If you're a dog news and have a desire to find and report breaking news, use the following tips to help you learn where to look: Check Latest Online News ReportsGetting the jump in recent news reports can give you the edge to report them to Associated Content long before a lot of other media may have reported on the same subject. Here is how to find published reports few minutes ago: 1 - Get the latest version of Google News using the establishment of a search by date in Google News on the basis of the letter "a" marker this URL: http: / / / news? hl = en & ned = en & q = a & ie = UTF-8 and scoring = d Like almost all items containing the letter a, this will give a list of the latest news from material published as early as 0 minutes ago by news wire services like Associated Press, Reuters, including national and local newspapers and others. 2 - Do the same with Yahoo and get the latest news from Yahoo by building a search, sorted by date in Yahoo News on the basis of the letter "a" marker this URL: / search / news ei = UTF-8 & p = a & datesort = 1 & PStart = 1 and b = 181 and fr = sfp and PStart = 1 and b = 1 3 -? Establish an AOL news channel by the national news several food category to read, as the top national, ABC, Christian Science Monitor, The Washington Post, CNN / US, Time magazine, news, food or others in certain categories, such as business and finance, sports, entertainment, technology, politics and opinions, and humor and fun. Bookmark this site and begin selecting the foods you like to be aware of: / rss / AOL / HomePage.xml Next to each of the stories is information about the last time you updated the story, so you'll get an idea of its age. Another great place to see the AOL news page and the bottom of some pages of the article from AOL, where they provide the reader with the most popular stories in the last 24 hours and 7 days, as well as foreign, but-certain news.4 - Check the blogosphere Find the most recent blog posts or labels of the top searches on and to see what blogs are writing about and reacting. Technorati provides users with the most recent posts sorted by last update. 5 - Check TMZ If entertainment is your thing, check, a site that posts stories of entertainment quite often, usually several times a day. Track satellite radio and television and radio ReportsXM has a lot of good news stations news programs that provide coverage 24 hours regular and breaking news, which can also be found via satellite television: 121 - Fox News 122 to 123 CNN - CNN Headline News 124 - ABC News and Talk 125 - The Weather Channel 127 - CNBC 129 - Bloomberg Radio 130 - MSNBC 131 - BBC World News, I like to listen to these while driving around the city my hand MP3 player (which has a voice recorder that I use most often play the role of the song) to capture quotes and breaking news can be written later. Add a variety of television news stations StationsWhile above and others are available through satellite TV, well, do not discount the non-news programs. Even "no news" programs may contain breaking news. For example, I was watching the real-time view when Star Jones announced he was leaving the series. If I had been writing for the associated content at the time, I could have written and published a report immediately on the jump events and come in a lot of other reporters. Anyway, this news is definitely the last time, type of urgent things that web browsers, just search. Predicting trends ... ... to find out what will happen tomorrow or breaking news next week. If there is a sure-to-be speaks volumes about the film or video game or a new technology that comes out next week or next month that they are aware, especially if it has not been well covered, however, by all means go ahead and write about it. For your piece on first to the cyber world that covers death is another way to get on the news that not many people have read yet.